一起过春节 CNY Party
【绿脚丫简介 Green Foot Introduction】
绿脚丫成立于2015年,总部在深圳,并在珠三角片区的拥有广州,东莞,惠州分部, 省外先后成立了上海,西安,成都分部。现在这8个城市以生活化、社交化的方式倡导和践行环保理念。绿脚丫亦是一个国际社交平台,聚集了来自美、德、英、印度及东南亚等30余个国家的环保爱好者,通过线上线下的活动累计辐射人数达10万余人。绿脚丫立志链接更广泛的人群,为一个绿意盎然的世界持续努力!
Green Foot is an International Environment Care Community who believes that environmental protection is an attitude towards and a way of living. In Green Foot, environmental protection refers to minimalism and quality life. The joint wish of all the members in Green Foot is that we overcome our over dependency on materials, clean up our inner space, save more time and energy to concern about the world, the environment, the surrounding, the people and our own hearts.
Green Foot established in 2015 with headquarter set in Shenzhen and branches covered PRD Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou while Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and Zhuhai were swiftly established in the past half year. Through the offline activities and media reports, we have reached and influenced over 100,000 international audience. Our mission is to connect more people and built a greener world together.
报名后请添加Wechat 微信(greenfootadmin),进入小组群了解活动详情和分享照片视频(活动结束后会解散)
After sign up please add wechat:greenfootadmin to etner wechat group for event details and questions
Walking out of 2024
It may not turn out as what we hope
The world is undergoing a restruction
So do we
2025 what shall we bring into?
Change is a power, need time to accumulate
Together, it is easier
Come to meet us, sharing our worries, meeting hopes.
2025, lets explore opportunity together, you are not alone
There are a group of people in Green Foot
who will make this cold winter as warm as spring
We are here waiting for you to entering 2025 together!
In the pure nature, we return to our true self
connect with others with heart
put down desire burden
enter 2025 with lighter footsteps
2023-1-28 14:00 (Tuesday星期二) - 2024-01-30 10:00 (Thursday星期四)
【Meetup 活动地点】
地址: 惠州市平海镇赤砂村河背小组981乡道巽寮赤砂小学南向800米
(我们会组织一起打车或者开车过去,请进群后等候安排。We will organize to share taxi or car together, wait for arrangement after entering wechat group)
【 活动报名费用 Fees 】
The registration fee includes TWO night accomodation of one bed(Two beds in one big tent) and public facility, event organization cost.
三天两晚活动费用: 560元 (1月16号之前报名减30元,组长在此基础上半价)
3days 2nights Ticket: 560RMB (Team captain enjoy half price discount)
Greenfooter Discount: 500RMB (Paid before 16th Jan, deduct 20rmb,Team captain enjoy half price discount)
报名后请添加Wechat 微信(greenfootadmin),进入小组群了解活动详情和分享照片视频(活动结束后会解散)
After sign up please add wechat:greenfootadmin to etner wechat group for event details and questions
【 Event Rundown 活动流程 】
Detailed arrangement about accomodation, transportation and food will be discussed in each team and organized by team captains. Please first enter wechat group (Contact Wechat: greenfootadmin)
2025-1-28 1st Day 第一天
14:00 - 15:00 :登记房间
Room Check-in
15:00 - 17:00 :熟悉场地和小组活动和自我介绍
Check out surroundings and team get together Self-introduction
17:00 - 20:00 :小组一起准备和享用丰盛的晚餐
Team prepare and enjoy dinner together
20:00 - 00:30:围着篝火夜谈,一起看春晚
Bon fire talk and/or watch CNY evening show together
2025-01-29 2nd Day 第二天
9:00 - 10:30:早餐时间
Enjoy Breakfast
11:00 - 17:00:(午餐+下午茶沙龙)/徒步 (可选)
( Lunch+afternoon tea salon)/Hiking (Optional)
18:00 - 20:00 烧烤晚餐
Have BBQ dinner
20:00 - 23:00 :篝火晚会,各小组玩游戏和小组表演节目
Bon fire, play games and team performance
2025-01-30 3rd Day 第三天
8:00-10:00 早餐时间
Enjoy Breakfast
10:00 离开营地返程回家
Leave the campsite, go home
【绿脚丫精神 Green Foot Spirit】
Its cleaner when you leave.
Money is yours, resources are ours.
Nobody stands alone.
Bring your smile and open heart.